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Explore the extensive selection of the most gorgeous paintings to adorn your space. Whether its to hang up in a cosy living room or add a bright colour of pop to a board room, you are sure to find something to liven up and gaze at endlessly from this range of vibrant paintings. Price on request.

As the Sakura is to Japan, the Gulmohar is to India.

The stillness of the swing brings calm to the chaos of colours.

The morning sun spreads its warmth on the valley below.

The Ghats are the most photographed vistas of India.

A majestic scene created by the magical rays falling on the deer and their fawn.

The women of the house gathering under a tree to discuss the days events.

Growing out of a muddy pond, the symbolic lotus of India radiates with beauty.

The fiery sunset lighting up the sky over the Indian terrains.

A foot over bridge connecting two idyllic villages.

On a balmy day, three generations of women tell tales around a tree.

A picturesque fishing town by the river.

The Lotus, India's national flower, has been used symbolically, over time in Indian religion and art.

A Brahman making an offering in the holy Ganges.

Despite ideals of non-attachment, Jains have produced cultural heritage that is paradoxically regal.

A woman, taking a break from work gazing out into the distance, on a scenic village pond.

Mending a hand cart in preparation for a long journey.

Jain monks travel bare foot across treacherous terrains to offer prayers to the divine soul.

Pink streaks from the evening sun glisten over the hilly town.

The women gathering lotus leaves on a cool summer day.

The mother and child series captures tender moments of a new relationship.

Impressive, striking and the heart of the village.

The grand mountains create

lush valleys and unbeatable views.

The sound of the rustling leaves as the hot breeze blows through the trees.

A picture of sleeping town under a perfect midnight blue sky. 

A Rajasthani man, leading his caravan of camels through the deserts. 

A monk in search of divinity and inner peace.


As a follower of Jainish herself, Vyoma has painted a series of Jain Gods.

The temples (derasaras) of Palitana - a pilgrimage centre for all Jains.

The 24 holy teachers of Jain Dharma.

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